sara radin

Falling Down - Sara Radin

New Single Out Now


About The Album

Some dreams are realized quickly, while others come forth after seasons of longing and waiting. The dream of making this album started sometime before the year 2000 — so it’s been at least 20 years in the making. I began writing most of the songs for it in 1999 & 2000 after a trip to Israel and later meeting my husband.


The songs tell the story of how God has been present in the good and the hard. They are my memorial stones of His faithfulness in my life thus far. Zikaron.

Sara Radin Album Here

I finished the recording for the first song of the album in 2009 and the second in 2012, in between the births of my second two children. Shortly after, the producer with whom I was working left the music production business. I’ve sat on the songs, not knowing what to do. I’ve let the dream of ever finishing the album go — over and over again.


This spring of 2019 I had the idea of releasing the songs that are finished.


On the day Falling Down went live on iTunes, I read this post by a Facebook friend and it really resonates:

“My lemon trees are growing! I totally gave up on these. Even though I gave up on em, they're determined to grow to be exactly what they are meant to be.” — Ty Davis


No matter how many times I’ve given up hope of ever seeing this dream fully realized, I truly believe that it will grow to be exactly what it is meant to be. That’s the story of God’s faithfulness. That’s the evidence He has been and still is Here. That’s the meaning of zikaron. For all of it, I am so very thankful.

About The Artist

Sara Radin is a writer, singer, dancer, wife, and mother. Her heart's desire is to intimately know and connect with the Lord and be His instrument to help others do the same. She spends most of her time these days meal planning, grocery shopping, attending ballgames, gymnastics competitions, and musical theatre performances, and teaching her children about the God who has been faithful to her through every season.